Meet the Guardian of the Target Lotion Aisle:
The funny thing is that I realized I've made a nice little collection of dinosaur photos without even trying. In fact, I even forgot about Christmas Dino that I snapped at the Memphis Zoo until I was searching for the photos for this post.
Little Lost Dino (found abandoned in a corner of St. Jude).
Finally, the last two photos are of a toy Dino that I received with my Photojojo order - they send one out with every order just for kicks. I was having fun playing with the little cell phone lenses that I purchased. In fact, this Dino is the only one that I didn't come across randomly, unless you count something being sent to you that you didn't order as random. So maybe he's a random Dino as well.
So this little post was to test out publishing from Blogger... to which Adam recently switched the blog over for me. I was just having too many issues with Wordpress and since Google has recently taken over Blogger, there's been some nice changes. In fact, I published this post from my cell phone (which I know is possible with Wordpress, but again, I was having difficulty working with their app). The only thing I can't yet figure out on the app is how to place photos directly where I want them within the post. However, the app allowed me to upload these photos straight from my phone, which is where most of the project photos are currently housed (we do have them backed up on Aperture and Google + as well). However, I don't often get on the desktop where the Aperture library is housed as Adam works from that computer most of the time. It was taking too long for my laptop to remotely access the Aperture library on the desktop and I couldn't get photos from Google+ to upload to Wordpress. However, since Blogger is now owned by Google, getting photos from Google+ to the blog is no problem! Hopefully, this will make things much nicer. Previously, I would write the text from the laptop and then go to the desktop to enter photos... Just too much work for me and I would never get to everything before the drive to write a post was gone.
So now, with things much more streamlined, I'm going to WRITE MORE POSTS! I promise :)