Sunday, January 24, 2010

Learning New Talents to pass the Time...

Well...interviews are over (finally!) We won't find anything out until mid-May about where we're going to be, so we've got some time to kill.

Oh well...So, I guess to pass the time of waiting, Adam and I have decided to take some classes and hopefully learn some new talents! Adam is in the middle of a motorcycle riding course at the local Harley Davidson Dealer (Ssshhhh...don't tell my dad yet, its a surprise!) and I am soon to start a 6-week course on metal enameling...something that I've wanted to learn how to do for quite some time.  It always seemed like something that is much better suited to learn by having someone who knows what they're doing to actually teach you...It could be potentially very costly and probably quite dangerous to just jump into something like this on your least for me, anyway.

The other time consumer, at least for my mind, is to try and start sorting through some of the dark corners of our little apartment and prepare for the move, wherever it may be.  I say this is an exercise for my mind as I haven't really gotten too far with it.  I keep wanting to start with my crafts (which I have way more things than I realized) but end up just frustrated because I really want to organize things but know its better to do so once I have a physical space to place things...  The top of Adam's old bunk bed has been the Goodwill pile for quite some time, and I will say that we've taken a couple trips that is good.

So, that's about where we're at right now... Oh, and I've become a bit of a box hoarder!  I know we'll use many boxes for the move, and I hate the idea of paying for something that is so plentiful in people's I collect the boxes at work that are destined for cardboard box heaven...or hell, whatever the case may be, and extend their life just a bit longer.  I've got a pretty decent stash at home and a nice little stash at work - thank you St. Jude for your  Staples orders!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't the match day getting closer? I was thinking it was like March 15th?
